
Draw shapes and texts

Shape and texts result

To draw the shapes we need to put everything inside a draw function.

Draw the outilie of a rectangle

To draw the outline of a rectangle we use the same function as the rectangle filled, the parameter to indicated the outline is a boolean.
Here is the definition of the function:

void draw_rect(rect: Rect2, 
                          color: Color, 
                          filled: bool = true, 
                          width: float = -1.0, 
                          antialiased: bool = false)

You can put this code in a new script file ShapeExample.cs :

using Godot;
using System;

public partial class ShapesExample : Node2D
    public override void _Draw()
        // Define the rectangle position and size
        Rect2 rect = new Rect2(50, 50, 200, 100);

        // Define the color of the outline
        Color outlineColor = Colors.Red;

        // Define the thickness of the outline
        float thickness = 3.0f;

        // Draw the outline of the rectangle
        DrawRect(rect, outlineColor, false, thickness); // false indicate the outline

Draw a circle

To Draw a circle you can do the same as the Rectangle.
Here is the definition of the function:

draw_circle(position: Vector2, 
                       radius: float, 
                       color: Color, 
                       filled: bool = true, 
                       width: float = -1.0, 
                       antialiased: bool = false)

You can put this example in the draw function :

// Define the center position of the circle
Vector2 center = new Vector2(200, 200);

// Define the radius of the circle
float radius = 100.0f;

// Define the color of the circle
Color color = Colors.Blue;

// Draw the circle
DrawCircle(center, radius, color);

Draw a Polygon

To Draw a polygon you can use this example of a pentagon.
Here is the function we will use to display the polygon:

void draw_polygon(points: PackedVector2Array, 
                             colors: PackedColorArray, 
                             uvs: PackedVector2Array = PackedVector2Array(), 
                             texture: Texture2D = null) 

You can put this example in the draw function :

// Define the center of the pentagon
Vector2 center = new Vector2(200, 200);

// Define the radius of the pentagon (distance from the center to a vertex)
float radius = 100.0f;

// Define the color of the pentagon
Color color = Colors.Green;

// Calculate the vertices of the pentagon
Vector2[] points = new Vector2[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    // Convert angle from degrees to radians manually
    float angle = (72 * i - 90) * Mathf.Pi / 180.0f;
    points[i] = center + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius, Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius);

// Draw the pentagon
DrawPolygon(points, new Color[] { color });

Draw a line

To draw a line you simply need a starting and a end point with some thickness and color:

void draw_line(from: Vector2, 
                          to: Vector2, 
                          color: Color, 
                          width: float = -1.0, 
                          antialiased: bool = false)

You can put this example in the draw function :

// Define the start and end points of the line
Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2(100, 100);
Vector2 endPoint = new Vector2(300, 300);

// Define the color of the line
Color lineColor = Colors.Red;

// Define the thickness of the line
float thickness = 2.0f;

// Draw the line
DrawLine(startPoint, endPoint, lineColor, thickness);

Draw texts

To draw some texts using the low level function, you will need a font: NotoSans-Regular.ttf, then the font need to be loaded.
After that you can display some texts using the function :

void draw_string(font: Font, 
                            pos: Vector2, 
                            text: String, 
                            alignment: HorizontalAlignment = 0, 
                            width: float = -1, 
                            font_size: int = 16, 
                            modulate: Color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 
                            justification_flags: BitField[JustificationFlag] = 3, 
                            direction: Direction = 0, 
                            orientation: Orientation = 0) const

You can put this example in the draw function :

private Font _defaultFont;
public override void _Ready()
    _defaultFont = GD.Load<FontFile>("res://NotoSans-Regular.ttf");

public override void _Draw()
    DrawString(_defaultFont, new Vector2(20f, 130f), "Hello World!", HorizontalAlignment.Center, -1, 22);

Download the full project

You can download the full project here: shapeandtexts.7z